Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Long Time Coming

After what has seemed like an eternity of waiting, we arrived in Incheon City, South Korea and have now begun the adventure. I'm already overwhelmed by the foreignness of this place and my rather uncomfortable role as a foreigner and tourist. Walking down the crowded streets of Seoul with Nat yesterday further emphasized this foreignness as people stopped to speak with him and take photos with us. We've now consumed many side dishes of kimchee (though have only tried one of the two-hundred or so varieties that are a source of national pride for South Koreans), hiked around the outside of the city hall Korean Folk Museum, and palace compound, and looked out over the mud flats that surround our little island. In only one day, we begin our course work in Mongolia and there will be more exploring to do and culture to adjust to then. Until then, adieu, and hopefully there will be photos posted soon.

Photo: The palace compound in downtown Seoul.

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